Prev Taxon: Genus Phreatia section Phreatia
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Phreatia densispica Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 9 (1916) 196
Type: Kloss s.n. (Camp 3, 2500 ft.) (holo BM)
Stem c. 2 cm long, thick; roots abundant, dense. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, coriaceous, obtuse, 4.5-5 by 0.5 cm, sheaths 0.2-0.3 cm long, ribbed. Inflorescence axillary, 4 cm long, densely flowered, peduncle 1 cm long, covered with large, distant, acute, 1 cm long scales. Floral bracts as long as or longer than the flowers. Flowers minute. Median sepal ovate. Lateral sepals broader, ovate; mentum short, rounded obtuse. Petals lanceolate, obtuse, smaller than the sepals. Lip clawed; claw linear, channelled, blade ovate, rounded, small. Column-foot distinct. Anther ovate, rounded. Pedicel with ovary ovoid, 0.1 cm long.
(After Ridley, 1916)
Not recorded. Note
Epiphyte in lower montane forest; 759 m.
Malesia (New Guinea).
Intermediate growing epiphyte.
Not known.
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