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Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 406

Type: Schlechter 17636 (holo B, lost; iso AMES, G, L, S)


  • Plocoglottis papuana Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 407
    - Type: Schlechter 16425 (B, lost; BO, K, L, NSW, NY, S); 17006 (B, lost; AMES, BO, K, L, MO, NSW, S)

Roots 0.17 cm diameter. Rhizome creeping, 0.7 cm diameter, internodes between stems 11. Stems 6 cm apart, 94-108 by 0.35-0.6 cm, cylindrical, internodes 24-27, 2.1-9.4 cm long; 7-19-leaved. Cataphylls 6-12. Leaves petiolate or sessile; sheaths 3-7.6 cm long; petiole sessile to 3.2 cm long; blade 25-39.5 by 2.5-4 cm, index 7-13, linear sometimes narrowly lanceolate, base cuneate, apex acuminate, glabrous, with 3 prominent veins underneath other lateral two subprominent. Inflorescence 127-98 cm long, 13-flowered. Peduncle 56-90 by 0.35-0.8 cm, pubescent, internodes 5-7, 0.2 to 15.3 cm long; peduncle scales 1.6-2.5 cm long, tubular apex obtuse to acuminate sparsely pubescent; rachis 36 -41 by 0.2 cm, densely pubescent, internodes 25-34, 0.4-8.1 cm long. Bracts; floral bracts 0.61-0.73 by 0.35-0.7 cm, lanceolate, below half broad, apex acuminate, densely pubescent on both sides, with 5-8 prominent veins on abaxial side. Flowers 1.7-2.2 cm wide. Median sepal 1.51-1.7 by 0.35-0.5 cm, lanceolate, apex acute, sparsely abaxially pubescent, above half to apex thick in texture, 5-7 distinct veins. Lateral sepals 1.5-1.65 by 0.31-0.41 cm, lanceolate, subfalcate, base oblique with lobule 0.06-0.1 cm long, apex acuminate, moderately abaxially, sparsely adaxially pubescent, with 7-8 distinct veins. Petals 1.4-2 by 0.21-0.3 cm, linear-lanceolate to linear, sometimes subfalcate, base broadly cuneate, apex acute, sparsely pubescent on both sides, above half toward apex thick in texture, lateral margin thin, with 5-7 distinct veins. Lip in total 1-1.2 by 0.55-0.7 cm, adnate to column-foot with basal lamellae, subquadrangular, with 3 distinct veins at base, lateral two branching into 4 or 5 veins, at base with a small sac formed by column-foot and lip base 0.13-0.2 cm long, with two basal lamellae, grooved along the median of adaxial side, with deep depression between two convex patches, on the adaxial side with two thick patches at base becoming gradually thinner towards apex, lateral margina in basal half moderately thick, minutely erose, in upper half to apex minutely erose, apex abruptly truncate, in the middle with 0.2 cm long, triangular, acuminate acumen, glabrous sometimes sparsely abaxially pubescent. Column 0.7-0.88 by 0.2-0.4 cm, clavate, without lateral wings, sparsely abaxially pubescent, apical margin sparsely pubescent, apical margin sparsely dentate. Anther 0.2 by 0.1 cm, obdeltoid, apical margin minutely erose, apex obtuse, sparsely pubescent, with a long keel. Stigma obdeltoid, rostellum ovate or elliptic. Pollinia 0.1 by 0.05-0.07 cm, ovate-orbicular to elliptic, caudicle 0.13 cm long. Pedicel with ovary 1.8-2.2 by 0.1-0.27 cm, clavate. (After Eang Hourt, unpublished manuscript 2004)

flowers yellowish brown dotted red-brown, lip light yellow, or white with red streaks.

Terrestrial in lower montane forest; 30 to 1000 m.

Malesia (New Guinea).

Papua (Indonesia); Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution map

Intermediate growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.

January, February, May, July, August, November, December.

  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 142, fig. 535
  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 142, fig. 536, as Plocoglottis papuana Schltr.
  • Smith, J.J., Nova Guinea 18, 1 (1935) 16
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Collabieae
  • Subtribe Not used
  • Genus Plocoglottis
  • Section Caulescentes
  • Species Plocoglottis kaniensis

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Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 142, fig. 535

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., lip, drawing J.J. Smith, from Docters van Leeuwen 10120

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Docters van Leeuwen 11255

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, from Docters van Leeuwen 9004

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., lip, drawing J.J. Smith, from Docters van Leeuwen 9004

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., column and lip, drawing J.J. Smith, from Docters van Leeuwen 11255

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., as Plocoglottis papuana Schltr., drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 142, fig. 536

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., herbarium sheet, Schlechter 17636 (isotype specimen L)

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., as Plocoglottis papuana Schltr., herbarium sheet, Schlechter 17006 (isotype specimen BO)

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., as Plocoglottis papuana Schltr., herbarium sheet, Schlechter 17006 (syntype specimen L)

Plocoglottis kaniensis

Plocoglottis kaniensis Schltr., as Plocoglottis papuana Schltr., herbarium sheet, Schlechter 16425 (syntype specimen L)