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Plocoglottis lancifolia J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 19 (1908) 33
Type: Versteeg 1600 (holo BO)
Rhizome creeping, covered with sheaths, up to 7 cm long, internodes very short. Pseudobulb small, 1-leaved. Leaf petiolate, erect; petiole 2.5-4 cm long, conduplicate-channelled, keeled below, blade 20-25 by 2.1-2.7 cm, linear, apex tapering acute-acuminate, with 5 prominent veins on abaxial side. Inflorescence 1, erect, longer than the leaf, laxly many-flowered; peduncle 30-33 cm long, pubescent; rachis 12-15 cm long, pubescent. Floral bracts 0.58 by 0.3 cm, triangular, patent at base, falcate, pubescent, apex long acuminate. Flowers 2.9 cm wide, opening in succession. Median sepal 1.21- 1.5 by 0.2-0.43 cm, narrowly-lanceolate, pubescent, with 6 distinct veins, concave, apex acute. Lateral sepals 0.6 (-1.2) by 0.25-0.4 cm, lanceolate, falcate, pubescent, with 5 (-6) distinct veins, base broadly cuneate, with short lobule, apex acuminate. Petals 1.4-1.5 by 0.18-0.2 cm, linear, falcate, few pubescent on abaxial side, thick-textured at apex, margin in lower part thin, with 3-4 distinct veins, base cuneate, apex acuminate. Lip 0.7-0.83 by 0.41-0.57 cm, adnate to column-foot through basal lamellae, subquadrangular, glabrous, with 8 distinct veins, at base with a small sac formed by column-foot and lip base 0.06-0.08 cm long; blade with two flat, thin, obtriangular basal lamellae, with a longitudinal groove in the middle of the adaxial side; slightly thickened above the lamellae along the groove, lateral margins thin, entire in basal part, minutely erose in upper half, apex round, recurved, in the middle with a 0.2 cm long, recurved, triangular, acuminate acumen. Column 0.5-0.56 by 0.15-0.18 cm, clavate, with wing-like lateral margin, sparsely pubescent dorsally. Stigma obovate, base acute. Pollinia almost round. Pedicel with ovary 1.2-1.4 by 0.09-0.11 cm, almost cylindrical, densely pubescent. (After Eang Hourt, unpublished manuscript 2004)
Sepals and petals greenish yellow with red dots, lip white, column yellow.
Terrestrial in lowland forest; 150 m.
Malesia (New Guinea).
Warm growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.
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