Plocoglottis lowii

Plocoglottis lowii

Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f., Gard. Chron. (1865) 434

Type: Low cult. (Low) s.n. (Borneo); Day cult. s.n. (holo W)


  • Plocoglottis porphyrophylla Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 3 (1893) 368
    - Type: Ridley s.n. (Malay Peninsula, Pekan) (holo SING)
  • Plocoglottis pubiflora Schltr. in K.Schum. & Lauterb., Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee (1905) 146
    - Type: Schlechter 14561 (holo B, lost)
  • Plocoglottis atroviridis Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 403
    - Type: Schlechter 19270 (holo B, lost)
  • Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f. var. papuana J.J.Sm., Nova Guinea 12, 3 (1915) 197
    - Type: Gjellerup 1005 ['100'] (iso L)

Rhizome creeping, 0.2-0.4 cm diameter, internodes between shoots 5-7. Roots 0.2-0.3 cm diameter, rather thick, densely pubescent, not branching. Pseudobulbs 0.5-4.4 cm apart, 3-8 (-11) by 0.2-0.6 (-0.9) cm, subconical or cylindrical, internodes 1-3, 0.3-6.3 cm long; 1- or sometimes 2-leaved, the second leaf smaller. Sheaths 1-3, glabrous, sometimes pubescent. Leaves petiolate; sheath if present 2.7-4.3 cm long, petiole 1-4.4 cm long, channelled, blade 17-28.5 by 2.9-8.6 cm (index 2-5 (-7)), (linear-)lanceolate, sometimes oblong or elliptic, base cuneate, apex acute to acuminate, glabrous, with 5 prominent veins. Inflorescence 35-75.5 cm long, laxly 4-20-flowered; peduncle 8.8-42.6 cm, sparsely pubescent, internodes 1-5 (-6), 0.15-16 cm long; peduncle scales 0.4-4.1 cm long, obliquely tubular, sparsely pubescent, with 3-7 prominent veins; rachis 11.1-48.4 cm long, densely pubescent, internodes 4-30, 0.7-19.6 cm long; Floral bracts 0.7-1.5 by 0.3-0.6 (-0.9) cm, triangular, concave, patent, falcate apex acuminate, densely pubescent, rarely sparsely pubescent. Flowers up to 3 cm wide. Median sepal 0.9-1.72 by 0.32-0.6 cm, broadly oblong to lanceolate, concave, apex acute to acuminate, moderately pubescent, thin textured, with 3-5 distinct veins. Lateral sepals 0.8-1.5 by 0.33-0.6 cm, elliptic to obliquely obovate, falcate, base broadly cuneate, apex subacute or acute, pubescent, with 3-5 distinct veins. Petals 0.8-1.8 by 0.15-0.34 cm, linear-lanceolate, subfalcate, pubescent on abaxial side, fleshy or sometimes thin-textured, with distinct mid-vein, the two lateral veins indistinct, base broadly cuneate, glabrous, apex subacute to acute. Lip 0.59-0.86 by 0.3-0.77 cm, adnate to column at base, subquadrangular, with 3 distinct veins, base broadly cuneate, with two basal divergent adaxial triangular lamellae, in front of the lamellae with a triangular depression, with two swollen patches, obliquely obovate in outline, 1.2 mm from the base, extending to apex, lateral margins of lip membranous, margin in lower half somewhat crispate-undulate, in upper half deeply laciniate-fimbriate, with two horn-like projections near apical margin, apex broadly truncate, in the middle with a 2 cm long, recurved, narrowly lanceolate-triangular, acute or acuminate acumen. Column 0.6-0.8 (-1.2) by 0.1-0.34 (-0.6) cm, clavate, somewhat dorsally pubescent. Anther 0.16-0.24 by 0.14-0.3 cm, subdeltoid-cordate in outline, apical margin serrulate, apex acute to obtuse, glabrous or somewhat pubescent, keel short or sometimes long. Stigma subobcordate to orbicular, rostellum truncate. Pollinia 0.1 by 0.08-0.1 cm, suborbicular to broadly ovate in lateral view, caudicle 0.18-0.2 cm. Ovary with pedicel 1-2 by 0.21 cm, clavate, densely pubescent. 3-3.5 by 0.4-0.6 cm, cylindrical. Seeds 0.08-0.12 cm long. (After Eang Hourt, unpublished manuscript 2004)

Often the whole plant purplish, pseudobulbs olive green to purple, leaves shining greenish-purple above, bright purple below, sepals and petals base light yellowish green, tinged dull violet, the top yellowish; the median sepal with a dull violet base and top, the lateral ones with a red purple to purple band widening to the top. Petals with some bright purplish spots, or suffused reddish at the base. Lip ochrish yellow, densely spotted with reddish purple. Column and anther pale yellow.

Terrestrial in lowland forest; 50 to 600 m.

Malesia (Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Moluccas, New Guinea), Thailand.

Papua (Indonesia); Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution map

Warm growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.

January, February, April, May, July, August, September, November.

  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1912) 404, as Plocoglottis pubiflora Schltr.
  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 141, fig. 531, as Plocoglottis atroviridis Schltr.
  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 141, fig. 532, as Plocoglottis pubiflora Schltr.
  • Smith, J.J., Nova Guinea 18, 1 (1935) 16, as Plocoglottis atroviridis Schltr.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
  • Tribe Collabieae
  • Subtribe Not used
  • Genus Plocoglottis
  • Section Porphyrophyllos
  • Species Plocoglottis lowii

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Plocoglottis lowii

Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f., as Plocoglottis atroviridis Schltr., drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 141, fig. 531

Plocoglottis lowii

Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f., as Plocoglottis pubiflora Schltr., drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 141, fig. 532

Plocoglottis lowii

Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f., as Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f. var. papuana J.J.Sm., floral analysis, drawing J.J. Smith, based on Gjellerup 1005

Plocoglottis lowii

Plocoglottis lowii Rchb.f. var. papuana J.J.Sm., herbarium sheet, Gjellerup 1005 (isotype specimen L)