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Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa, Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., ser. B, 42(3) (2016) 107, isonym

Type: Schlechter 18191 (holo B, lost)


  • Cystopus coerulescens Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1911) 68
    - Type: Schlechter 18191 (holo B, lost)
  • Pristiglottis coerulescens (Schltr.) Cretz. & J.J.Sm., Acta Fauna Fl. Universali, ser. 2, Bot., 1, 14 (1934) 4

Terrestrial, small, 5-10 cm high. Rhizome long, decumbent, stem-like; roots short, shortly villose. Stem terete, glabrous, 4- to 6-leaved. Leaves patent, petiolate, blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, glabrous on both sides, 1.5-3 by 0.9-1.5 cm; petiole at the base dilated, sheathing the stem, 0.7-1 cm long. Inflorescence short, erect, 2- to 4-flowered. Floral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, usually longer than the ovary. Flowers erect-patent. Sepals porrect, oblong-ligulate, obtuse, glabrous, connate in basal third, 1.3 cm long. Lateral sepals oblique, at the base along the anterior margin lobed-dilated, connate into a short obtuse sac. Petals obliquely linear-ligulate, obtuse, glabrous, about as long as the sepals. Lip at the base ovate-cucullate, in the middle part with incurved margins, forming a linear claw with undulate apical margin, at the apex with an elliptic lobe that is somewhat broader than the claw when expanded, whole lip 1.5 by 0.4 cm, apical lobe 0.45 by 0.3 cm. Column short, in front with two lamellae, glabrous; rostellum lanceolate, bifid. Anther lanceolate, acute. Ovary cylindrical, 0.8 cm long, glabrous. (After Schlechter, 1911-1914)

Flowers bluish white to bluish green. Leaves dark green with a paler mid-vein.

Terrestrial in lower montane forest; 1200 to 2450 m.

Malesia (New Guinea).

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution map

Intermediate growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.

March, September, October, November.

  • Schlechter, R., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 28, fig. 93, as Cystopus coerulescens Schltr.
  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Orchidoideae
  • Tribe Cranichideae
  • Subtribe Goodyerinae
  • Genus Pristiglottis
  • Species Pristiglottis coerulescens

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Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa, , photo N.E.G. Cruttwell (4/83, PNG, Mt. Gahavisuka)

Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa, habit, photo N.E.G. Cruttwell (4/83, PNG, Mt. Gahavisuka)

Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa, in situ, photo N.E.G. Cruttwell (3/84, PNG, Mt. Gahavisuka)

Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa (as Cystopus coerulescens Schltr.), drawing R. Schlechter in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 21 (1923) t. 28, fig. 93

Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa (as Pristiglottis coerulescens (Schltr.) Cretz. & J.J.Sm.), habit and floral analysis, drawing N.H.S. Howcroft 102, from Mt. Kaindi

Odontochilus coerulescens

Odontochilus coerulescens (Schltr.) Yukawa (as P. montana (Schltr.) Cretz. & J.J.Sm.), drawing by Neville Howcroft, based on W. Takeuchi & J. Waikabu 9394 in Sida 20 (2002) 475, fig. 10.