Rhomboda polygonoides (F.Muell.) Ormerod, Orchadian 11 (1995) 333
Type: Dallachy s.n. (Australia, Mt. Macallister, Rockingham's Bay) (holo MEL)
Stem creeping at the base, rooting, erect part 4-8 cm high, 4-5-leaved. Leaves petiolate, obliquely subovate-lanceolate, 3-9.5 by 0.75-2.1 cm, frequently slightly falcate, acuminate, acute, frequently mucronate; petiole channelled, including the tubular sheath 0.8-2.5 cm long. Inflorescence erect, laxly many-flowered; peduncle pubescent, 10-18.5 cm long, peduncle-scales several, with tubular base, acuminate, acute, sparsely pubescent, to 1-1.7 cm long, upwards becoming smaller and bract-like; rachis pubescent, 4.5-15 cm long. Floral bracts appressed to the ovary, ovate, acutely acuminate, concave, 1-nerved, ciliate, to 0.8 cm long, the upper ones smaller. Flowers patent, 0.7 cm diam. Median sepal with the petals forming a helmet-like structure, horizontal, held against the column, broadly ovate, 0.45 by 0.26 cm, subobtusely acuminate, strongly concave, glabrous, 1-nerved. Lateral sepals divergent, slightly recurved, obliquely ovate, 0.45 by 0.26 cm, subobtusely acuminate, concave, glabrous, 1-nerved. Petals cohering with the median sepal, strongly obliquely semiobovate, 0.45 by 0.26 cm, subobtusely acuminate, concave, 1-nerved. Lip slipper-shaped, 0.48 by 0.23 cm, somewhat fleshy, in outline ovate, at the base emarginate, underneath deeply grooved, basal part strongly inflated-concave, subquadrangular, margins slightly incurved, on either side near the base with a lobule appressed to the column, inside with a longitudinal, 2-ribbed, in the middle stronger thickening, at the base with two elongated, subulate, at the apex dentate, slightly curved, 0.1 cm long processes; margins beyond the column strongly incurved, funnel-shaped, lip terminated by a minute, 3-lobulate, at the apex recurved blade; lip when flattened 0.48 cm long, the basal quadrangular part 0.33 cm long, the much narrower upper part including the terminal lobe 0.14 by 0.13 cm. Column 0.25 cm long, at the base thin, lamellae on the adaxial side two, very large, longitudinal, parallel, transversely oblong, at the base ending in a rounded lobule; clinandrium deeply concave; rostellum bidentate; stigmata 2, oblong. Anther cordate, acutely acuminate. Ovary 0.65 cm long, 6-grooved, twisted, at the apex incurved, glabrous.
(After Smith, 1909, as Hetaeria falcatula J.J.Sm.)
Sepals reddish brown, petals and lip white.
Terrestrial in lowland forest to lower montane forest; 100 to 1600 m.
Malesia (Moluccas, New Guinea), Australia
Intermediate growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.
February, March, April, May, August, September, November.
According to Ormerod (2017), the Solomon Islands records refer to R. demisii Ormerod.
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