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Stigmatodactylus croftianus

Stigmatodactylus croftianus

Stigmatodactylus croftianus (Kores) Kores, Novon 2, 3 (1992) 212


  • Pantlingia croftiana (Kores) Schuit., Blumea 39 (1994) 236
  • Acianthus croftianus Kores, Lindleyana 6 (1991) 168, fig. 3
    - Type: Kores & Surry WEI 1679 (holo BISH)

Basionym: Acianthus croftianus

Small, erect herb, 5-14 cm tall; subterranean tubers globose, 1-2 mm in diam., finely villose. Stem slender, angular, 5-8 cm long, glabrous, enclosed at base by 1-3 cataphylls; cataphylls clasping, 5-7 mm long, 1-nerved, distally free for 3-5 mm, the free portion acute. Leaf cordate, 15-22 mm long, 10-16 mm broad, the base decurrent with the stem along the lateral edges, the apex abruptly acuminate or apiculate, the margin undulate. Inflorescence to 4 cm tall, laxly 1- to 3-flowered. Floral bracts broadly ovate, 5-6 mm long, 5-7 mm broad, 3- to 5-nerved, at the base rounded or truncate, apex broadly acuminate. Flowers ascending. Sepals slightly dissimilar, broadly spreading, linear-subulate, 9-12 mm long, about 0.5 mm broad, 1-nerved, glabrous, the apex narrowly acute. Petals spreading, linear-subulate, 7-10 mm long, about 0.5 mm broad, 1-nerved, glabrous, the apex subulate. Lip patent and usually slightly curved distally, broadly elliptic, 6-7 mm long, 5-6 mm broad, 7 or 9-nerved, the base truncate, the apex broadly obtuse and ultimately minutely apiculate, the point reflexed, 0.25-0.5 mm long, the lateral margins minutely crenulate distally, the disc with a single, large callus near the base and rarely with a few scattered, tooth-like accessory calli, the main callus prominently 3-lobed, 3-4 mm long, about 0.75 mm broad, about 1.5 mm tall, densely minutely pubescent throughout, the lateral lobes slightly longer than the mid-lobe, several or less parallel, almost completely divided into 4-6 pairs of weakly ascending, blunt teeth, 0.25-0.5 mm long, the mid-lobe strongly ascending, aliform, rather thick and weakly channelled distally along the upper margin, the apex inflexed, narrowly acute. Column 3-5 mm long, the basal 2/3 with a hyaline keel along the ventral surface, the keel with an acutely mucronate, wing-like appendage at apex, the apical 1 /3 of column with two pairs of teeth along lateral edges of ventral surface; pollinia four, mealy, obliquely subdeltoid, about 0.7 mm long, about 0.4 mm broad, the viscidium small, transversely oblong; stigma transversely obovate, with a prominent, porrect, obtuse tooth along ventral margin. Ovary cylindrical, 3-5 mm long, about 1 mm in diam., 6-grooved; capsule fusiform, 8-10 mm long by about 4 mm in diam. (After Kores, 1991)

Plant light green. Flower pale green, lip deeper bluish green with a brownish spot at the base.

Terrestrial in montane forest in deep shade; 2100 to 2700 m.

Malesia (New Guinea), Solomon Islands.

Papua New Guinea. See map

distribution map

Cool growing terrestrial, requires shaded position.

January, August, December.

  • Family Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily Orchidoideae
  • Tribe Diurideae
  • Subtribe Acianthinae
  • Genus Stigmatodactylus
  • Species Stigmatodactylus croftianus

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Stigmatodactylus croftianus

Stigmatodactylus croftianus (Kores) Kores, habit (in situ), photo A. Schuiteman

Stigmatodactylus croftianus

Stigmatodactylus croftianus (Kores) Kores, habit (in situ), photo A. Schuiteman

Stigmatodactylus croftianus

Stigmatodactylus croftianus (Kores) Kores, as Acianthus croftianus Kores, drawing Paul Kores in Lindleyana 6 (1991) 168, fig. 3